Attraction marketing will increase the productivity in your business
When you do marketing properly, it helps sift the prospects for you.
People consume your information. And here you get the power of the internet that helps you to get your message out there in front of so many more people
Attraction Marketing allows you to talk to a highly qualified prospects. Even before you say the first word on your first phone call with your prospect, you already have a good connection because your prospect knows who you are.
So many times it happened to me that I had called my prospect for the first time, and at the first moment it was obvious that they still didn’t know with whom they are talking with. Their tone of voice is very protective. You can almost hear the thoughts running in their head: “Who is this guy? How did he get my number? How come he knows my name?”
It is hilarious, but it is also important. The fact that you know your prospect name and have their phone number while they don’t know who you are, already puts you in control at the beginning of the initial call, proving that you have access to information. In their minds it portrays you as a leader, and this is something that people have a natural attraction to.
And it amazing to hear the change in the prospect tone of voice, the second that he understand who are they speaking with. In most cases he will treat you like an old friend and 5 minutes into the conversation he will take any advice that you will give him.
Attraction marketing will make you feel better about your business
Now compare that with chasing your family and friends. So besides increasing your results, using Attraction Marketing in your business will also give you emotional satisfaction, because you will feel more of an intelligent marketer when you will attract businesses to you. Also you will get more positive feedback from your prospect which will bring you to higher energy. This is something that not often talked about in the industry. Many times talking to prospects that aren’t qualified, which can happen many times in traditional network marketing systems, can back-fire on you, leading to negative results, which will reduce your energy level. At the end of the day this leads to bigger attrition rates in the network marketing industry, which give the industry as a whole a very bad name. And when you feel good about your business, the results will soon follow. Because if you enjoy your business, your prospect will subconsciously feel it, making it easier for them to make a decision and join you.Attraction Marketing has always used by top leaders in the industry
Make no mistake. Attraction Marketing has always been here. Marketers have used it in the past 15,20 even 25 years ago. Networkers knew how to attract people to them even before the internet. They used books, newspapers, classes, teleseminars, group meetings, voice broadcasts. They did whatever they could to make more people approach them, instead of needing to look actively for prospects. By the way, networkers were almost always fast at trying new technologies to help them in their business. Internet is just the latest technology that everybody are exploring now. If you are not implementing attraction marketing in your network marketing business, you are going to struggle. It doesn’t matter if you are doing online or offline strategies. The internet has made attraction marketing a lot simpler because you can literally reach millions of people all around the world with your message. The better you become at marketing, the less hard selling techniques that you will need to do in order for someone to join you.What is attraction marketing and how you can implement it as quickly as possible
If you are not generating the results that you want in your business, it is probably because you are not using attraction marketing. If you are new to network marketing, if you don’t want the hassle of chasing family and friends, or if you run out of people to talk to about your opportunity, you have two choises: 1) Quit. 2) Change your strategy. If quitting the business is not an option for you, I encourage you to learn the skills that are required for online attraction marketing. Although it will take time, money and effort, I can honestly say that from my experience, it will definitely worth the bother. You can use MLSP which is what I use and in my opinion (and to my knowledge) the best online attraction marketing system. Check it Facebook fanpage here, it has over 14000 fans, and I bet you won’t find any negative opinion about it. To your success, Hezi Hershkovitz
PS: If You Still Do Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access
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Hezi Hershkovitz
Networker & Social Media Expert at SuccessHowTo
Online marketer, social media expert, and all around great guy. Hezi coachs people on internet marketing and on how to make money from home.
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I am not in the MLM businesses, but your advice is just as pertinent to ours. Ultimately the goal is to have the people find you and your product. We are focused on building our brand and once people trust the brand our work is lessened.
Hi Rebecca.
Thanks for the comment. I agree. It is the rule of any business owner to learn how to attract people to buy his product. The sooner he gets it, the faster he can start getting results in his business.
Hi Hezi, I had to laugh when you said people often don’t know who you are when you call. I remember speaking to many people who were just blank right off the bat.
These days I get more calls than I actually ‘make’ which is a beautiful thing, and the ones I do call have been spying on my for a bit :-) so they do know who I am when they finally decide to reach out.
I agree attraction marketing, building relationships, even with people who are not actively participating in your community… in otherwords are just regular readers do actually get to know you if you play your cards right.
Thanks for the post
lol.. I don’t think anybody spied on me. at least not yet :)
If you think about it, “Attraction Marketing” has been around for thousands of years.
All the charismatic leaders, religious, political, good, bad and plain evil use the same attraction techniques to build their flocks.
Instead of selling products or services, they sell ideas, hopes and dreams. Exactly what successful Attraction Marketers do.
How else can we explain the success of cults that attract thousands of followers and then lead large numbers to commit mass suicide.
Once there is momentum in those movements, people seek them out because they are attracted. Not because the leaders are actively selling.
Attraction marketing is a skill that can be learned, and like everything in life it can be used for good or for bad. What is good about learning a skill, is that you learn that other people are actually using it on you! This a good way to learn to avoid being drown into the “dark” side :)
Fully agree Hezi!!
The power of Attraction Marketing is sometimes over looked
But.. as in life… we tend to watch those people who are succeeding in their Life, or their chosen field.
People like to follow those they like, know and trust.
When it comes to Internet Marketing, branding yourself is the first step.
And you are well ‘branded’ Henzi :-)
Louise Cardow
thanks Louise. I learned from the best (for example.. you. lol)
Attraction Marketing is something that all online Marketer should be doing/using. It’s so much easier to have a prospect come to you, instead of you trying to find a prospect.
MLSP is simply the best. Aren’t you glad that you don’t have to chase prospects any more?
Sometimes chasing is fun too. lol. But it is always good from the business perspective to have a list of people that you can talk about your opportunities, products, and businesses.
Hi Hezi,
It’s great that you’re drawing attention to the importance of attraction marketing. It’s the difference between making a nice living and struggling to make ends meet.
If you do attraction marketing properly, people actually approach you to see what you have so that they can buy from you.
It’s sure better than chasing the prospects!
Hi Hezi,
When I started my network marketing business, I was chasing, begging and bugging friends and family. I was doing mlm the irritating way. Obviously I failed and was hurt.
I came across attraction marketing via Magnetic Sponsoring and started practising the principles and now I get calls from people I dont know who call me that they have joined my business. I dont know these guys and they join me. Am I missing something?
I had buddies I pleaded with to join my business and they responded that I will fail. Now I have people calling me wanting to be in my team. Hmmm…
Does attraction marketing works? Go figure…
Thanks man. You are awesome! Great post!
Hi Hezi,
Very informative. MLM is a patient work and business model. The way to win is with, as you said, attracting people to you and what you have to offer that can help them. When they feel like they know you before they speak with you much of the ice has already been broken and you are in good position to talk. Takes time but well worth it as Rome wasn’t built in a day either.
I’ve done MLM works for some time but never managed to learn about attraction marketing. This is completely a new marketing term I’ve learned from here and to improve my MLM experience such lessons will be very effective. Thanks very much for helpful allocation. :)