by Hezi Hershkovitz | Dec 15, 2011 | home business, Online Marketing
Do you need more sales? Want to get more people to buy from you? Well, If you want to learn how to sale, you cannot find someone better to learn from other than Ray Highdon. Ray Higdon is a legend in the internet network marketing industry. He is a L5 leader in MLSP,...
by Hezi | Nov 29, 2011 | home business
Should you start your MLM business with your hot market ? Maybe the most popular question I receive when coaching some newbie is: I don’t want to talk to my family & friends (e.g my hot market), can I just do the business on the internet? Maybe this is also your...
by Hezi | Nov 24, 2011 | home business, Thought & Events
Yesterday I just heard that a top leader said in one of that training-motivational-pitch sessions – “Don’t use the internet to build your business.” Well, maybe I would understand if Hosni Mubarak (Egypt former president) or Bashar Al Assad (president of...
by Hezi Hershkovitz | Oct 11, 2011 | home business, Thought & Events
Yesterday , I ask my boss (e.g me) to take a day off and I met two very successful professionals that teach me some great Business lessons that I want to share with you here. As I’m always in a fast-learning mode, I have decided to implement these tips in my business...