Why do you need off page SEO
You probably recognize from where the image below was taken. If you look at Google results for any keyword you probably know that some of the ads are paid for. So what it means is that people are actually paying money for you to see their information.

How do you get to the top of the organic results of a search engines
First you do correct on-page SEO (link!). This let Google know that your page is relevant. You actually stand a chance to get massive traffic only with on-page SEO if you use low competition keywords that have enough traffic volume (usually long tail keywords, or new product releases). Off page SEO is about getting “votes” from other websites. Google is like an enormous voting system, but not all votes are created equal. When you get a vote from a website that Google consider to be “popular”, it has a better impacted on ranking, so the secret is really to know which factors Google values the most.A small disclaimer before we continue: I am going to use the word “competitors” to refer to those who already have the page #1 results for the keyword you are looking for. Since you are writing on the same topics, and have similar interests, these “competitors” can be your best allies in other ventures.
What factors are important for off page SEO?
In general, the more sites that link to yours, the better. This is because each backlink to your site is a vote, and more votes in your favor means that you are very popular. But, before you actually get to building links, the first step that you absolutely want to know is how many links do you need to get in order to be on the first page of Google (or even in the first position). There is no sense in wasting time, effort and money on a keyword that you don’t stand a chance to win.- On Page SEO – Do your on page SEO right, and it will help Google understand what you are talking about. This will greatly improve your off page SEO efforts as well, making it easier for you to get into page #1 results.
- PR (Google page rank) – This used to be a very important factor. It still is. However its strength is much reduced by the other parameters. There are ten Page Ranks levels, from PR0 (low) to PR10 (high). One important thing to note here is that the PR is not a linear scale, since each PR level is 10 times stronger than the lower level. So if your competitor has 10 links from PR0, if you get 1 link from PR1 is has the same strength.
- Page links – How many backlinks exists to the specific webpage.
- Domain links – How many backlinks exists to the entire domain on which the webpage is hosted.
- Domain age – Older is better.
- Anchor text – Anchor text is important because Google can understand the context of your post. When you write a post about “dog training” and you also get a backlink with the text saying “dog training”, it carries match more value.
- .edu/.gov links – How many backlinks to the specific webpage are coming from .edu/.gov websites. Google gives a lot of value to these types of links since it considers government and educational websites as authority websites.
- Websites Directory – These are the yellow pages of the internet and there are hundreds of them. To be honest I didn’t spend much time on those. However there are still two important directories that everybody agrees are still relevant: DMOZ and Yahoo. Getting a backlink from these directories can take time and money. I don’t say go get these links, but it is important to know whether your competitors have them.
- Social media votes -This off page seo parameter is getting more important every day. Google introduction of Google+ and the “plus+1” button proves that they are going to emphasize this metric as a proof for the popularity of a webpage. In fact, this factor alone can put you in the first page of Google in a matter of minutes! (See a proof for that in the free “tribal syndication domination” webinar below).

Off page SEO research to save you time and effort
However, it is not all about one parameter: Outrank your competitor just a little bit in any of these parameters, and you will pass them. If you can’t pass them in a specific parameter (for example if you can’t get a link from a website that your competitor has a link from), you will just have to compensate by over achieving in another parameter. The best way to do that is to learn what your competitors are doing and where they are getting their links from. This is the easiest way to match and outrank them. You can get most of the information for free with some manual work. However, why do things by hand, if there are tools that can help you do the same work in fraction of the time? The first tool that I recommend is a free addon for chrome and firefox that can save you tons of work Called SEO Quake, which shows the PR, domain age, alexa and other SEO parameters straight from the Google search results:
How to get links for off page SEO?
There are tons of ways to get Off Page SEO backlinks, including forums & blogs commenting, article & directory submissions, social media & web 2.0 sites, link wheels, buying backlinks, links exchanges and the list goes on and on. What I suggest to you is to do your keyword research the right way: Don’t hesitate to buy a tool because it is going to save you money & time in the long run. In addition, SEO is evolving and changing all the time. One of the ways that has helped me understand what is working now is MLSP, where you get access to the most current techniques of the top internet marketers today.

PS: If You Still Do Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access
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Hezi Hershkovitz
Networker & Social Media Expert at SuccessHowTo
Online marketer, social media expert, and all around great guy. Hezi coachs people on internet marketing and on how to make money from home.
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You state here the On-page SEO should be done first before doing Off Page SEO. This is good and this is the best way to do. I like the way you present this information from knowing to the PR of a certain links, to number of links on the page, to age of the domain, and other way of getting backlinks. Off page SEO has a greater weight than On Page SEO. This is where you rank higher in SERP. Overall, this is a great post.
Off page SEO techniques the best to get required traffic bu tit needs a quality efforts to earn expected.
Nice Post. Links are one of the important factor when comes to rankings. Google page rank was invented on base that how links can help to find out more authority websites.
A question: Do .edu and .gov sites allow commenting? How does one go about finding these sites?…i hardly find any which allow comments. The back-links from these sites do carry a lot of weight-age, so it will be great to leave link backs here, right?
Sorry for so many questions-i am a newbie here hence all the queries:-)
That being said- i found your post extremely useful and informative-thanks so much!
Thanks for your comment. edu and gov back links are harder to get. I won’t recommend a newbie to deal with them, since there are so many other easier methods to get traffic at the beginning.
Really a good article , You presented this article in a very good way .I am totally agree with you that on page seo should be done before off page seo because we can perform off page if we did on page seo in better way . Thanks for sharing your knowledge .
Thanks for your comment. I am glad that you find it helpful, and I am happy that you agree: it means that I am doing something right! If you have any tips, please do share :)
I disagree. The Google heatmap in the above picture is before they added sponsored adverts to the top left part of the page.
Why do you think Google makes those top sponsored adverts on the left so light in color… So people will be more likely to click on them and therefore the PPC adverts will make themselves more money!
New heat maps show top left section has very similar to organic results which are now like 4th position for the top 1st organic position.
I hope this helps.
I respectfully disagree. Ask yourself when was the last time that you clicked on an ad, even though it is visually in the 1st place. Maybe there are a few people that are not aware that “sponsored ads” means advertising, but they are the minority. Give a link to a heatmap that proves your point and I will be happy to post it here and admit that I am worng
Thank you for sharing this post. I like how you have explained how to do off page SEO so clearly so it is much easier to understand. I think social media votes are extremely important and Facebook would be a great website to get more followers.
I think Blogging and video promoting is that the massive SEO factors. Blogging has become wide social media hub. Off Page SEO, on the opposite hand, additionally deals with the use of various techniques that aim to boost a website’s relevancy and authority during a specific search query.
Great article. Off page SEO is extremely important. Submitting your site to quality link directories is a practice that when done well pays off exponentially. Content is the core, but other things done well will elevate your rankings.Thanks
Nice post, have learn t new things in seo Thank you for wonderful post, I love your blog, It gives very useful and informative information , Thanks again and highly appreciated.
Great article! This is very informative. And very useful too. Thank you for sharing this with us.
IT is really a eye catching article very unique totally useful. A big thanks to you for sharing such a helpful post . I am totally agree with your points described above. This shows your talent and deep knowledge about SEO too .