The 2 kinds of no money Objection:
- The real no money objection: People really have no money to invest in your main MLM Business because it is relatively an expansive high cost opportunity.
- The pseudo no money objection : People don’t trust you enough to invest a big amount of money so instead of saying to you they don’t trust you enough , they just say they have no money.
My Solution to the no money objections
I am promoting some very cheap (or even free program) to my list. Since these are a real cheap programs, the no money objections disappear and now you can start to get some people to work with. Like in any MLM, some people will make nothing, but some of them will do great, start earning some small amount of money (somewhere between 50 to 500 US$ month) and also get some people in their downline. These are the winners that you are looking for You can now start building a relationship with the winner. This is a small script that you can use : You: Hi, Mr.Winner. I saw that you are doing great in XYZ opportunity, and even get some sign ups. How is it going?? Mr. Winner : Yeap , Man. You are right! This is realy cool! It’s the 1st time in my life that I am finally making some money in MLM / online . Thanks!! You : That’s great! Now that you have already had some level of success, would it be OK if I show you a way to expand your income? (now explain the advantages of your business and how they can use the money they earned to join your main opportunity) And now explain him, how he can be making more money by entering your business and moving his downline at XYZ to your company and duplicating the same technique with his downline! I got this method from a friend of mine who have recently used this approach to have 3 people moving from a free opportunity to his main business (at 1600 US$ entry level), and btw 2 of them became his top leaders! Want to start working with me on this strategy?=> Click Here To Learn What Program I Use With It! <=
To Your Success! Hezi Hershkovitz
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Hezi Hershkovitz
Networker & Social Media Expert at SuccessHowTo
Online marketer, social media expert, and all around great guy. Hezi coachs people on internet marketing and on how to make money from home.
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Hezi, I have used this approach also and it works well. It give people time to get to know you and it also gives you time to see who is really serious about working a business. Great post!
Hello Hezi, I’ve not used this approach. However, I’m going to take a serious look at Zeek Rewards because I’m always looking for a way to help people get what they want.
Great post! Keep them coming!
Perhaps this secret above works but I’m afraid my friend Hexi has MISSED THE POINT!!!
Actually he didn’t entirely miss it as part of his closing comment was:
“Want to start working with me on this strategy?”
The strategy is not where “the money” is.
Nor is the money in “the opportunity”
Let me repeat again…
Those words are gold. You will be in a barren waste land of nothingness even in affordable programs if you don’t team up with the right MLM upline. Trust me on this, I know far to well because of my own personal experiences.
It’s also the reason that I have linked arms with Hezi on a new venture that makes sense if you know anyone that wants to generate online income.
===> http://seoguy.hostthenprofit.com/
Opportunity = Affordable
Strategy = Doable
But neither of these would get me to join the company if I did not have a trusted friend and leader (aka Hezi) as my upline. However, you need to decide for yourself as to who you can and cannot trust. Given the solid history of exceptional quality I’ve received from Hezi thus far I know where I’ll be hanging my hat.
SEOGuy of Chocolate
Great objections, this is the good part when you start weeding people out, but you have to try to figure them out first, even if they give objections.
Objections are actually good signs. It means that they are open to discussion, and if you know how to do it correctly, eventually you can get them to buy for you :)
This is great. thanks. looking forward for some more of the same