Congratulations! You now have a WordPress blog installed and you are ready to upload your own content on it.
Writing posts in WordPress is very simple. Check the following image to get familiar with the most common tasks in the wordpress editor GUI:
1. Editing in HTML mode
2. Editing in visual mode (WYSIWYG)
3. Adding photos
4. Bold
5. Italic
6. Unordered List
7. Ordered List
8. Text Alignment (Left, Center, Rgiht)
9. Add/Remove Links
10. Controlling the placement of “Read More”. Used to show post summary in the home page of your blog
11. Spell Checker
12. Opens up the second row of buttons in the editor.
13. Text direction
14. Format. H1, H2, H3 (Headers). This is very important for SEO.
15. Underline
16. Text Color
17. Importing Text from text editor or Microsoft Word
18. Remove formating.
Watch the following video to learn how to create post with links and photos, and what is the difference between a post and a page:
Next step: Design Theme
Other Lessons in the WordPress Guide:
1. WordPress Guide – Domain
2. WordPress Guide – Hosting
3. WordPress Guide – Change DNS
4. WordPress Guide – Open Domain Account
5. WordPress Guide – Install WordPress
6. WordPress Guide – Posts & Pages
7. WordPress Guide – Design Theme
8. WordPress Guide – Plugins
9. WordPress Guide – Web Form
Main Page: WordPress Guide Step by Step Tutorial