Avoid eBay VeRO complains is super important , specialy in the beginning . If you have a new account , your account can be definitively suspended because of a VeRO complain. avoid eBay VeRO So in order to help you to avoid eBay VeRO , we  have created a FREE bookmarklet for you to use to check VERO Before listing a item from the Amazon page. To use the eBay Vero Checker, just click on the bookmark every time you find a interesting product and want to check it for VeRO. You can see the video bellow to see how simple and easy it’s to use it.  


Please read our disclaimer bellow before install our FREE software. Do not install our eBay VeRO Checker if you do NOT agree with our DISCLAIMER To install it, just drag this link into your browser’s bookmarks bar:  eBay VERO CHECK. You can see the video bellow for more details on how to install the eBay VERO Check   If you enjoy this tool please share  it with  your friends , so they also can enjoy this great FREE tool ! If you receive a VeRO please forward us  the email so we can improve our VeRO’s  owner database. Forward the emails to vero@successhowto.com . Thank you for your collaboration . We guarantee your privacity   IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER  We have done our best to mantain our database based on the VERRO list on eBay and also from our users . However, since there is NO comprehensive database of VeRO Owner , WE CAN NOT  guarantee that you will not receive VERO when using our software. The Software is provided “as is,” with all faults, defects and errors, and without warranty of any kind. No Liability-Licensor does not warrant that the Software will be free of bugs, errors, viruses or other defects, and Licensor shall have no liability of any kind for the use of or inability to use the software, the software content or any associated service By installing any of our software , you agree with this disclaimer. For now ,only tested in Chrome .  
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