Hi there,
Hezi here. Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. If you come to this page you are probably wondering who I am. You are probably thinking about building your own online business, and you are trying to figure out why in the world you should even listen to me.
So let me tell you a little about myself so you can get a feel of who I am, where I am coming from, and what I have learnt in order to do what I am doing right now, which is making money from my online business.
I haven’t always been an online marketer. I studied electronics and computer engineering in a university, was an average student in what is considered a very difficult degree. I decided to learn it because in high school I was a “computer geek” and it was a natural transition to me.
After I had got my degree, I found a great job in a high tech communication company. I worked for seven years, and then I decided to leave this very lucrative job in a successful high-tech company to do what I really love.
The greatest change occurred in me when I read the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” when I turned 30, and I realized that I perceive myself as a poor man. I was not poor in money, but I realized that to achieve the things I really want in life I must make a change.
I love living the good life. Although I don’t mind working, I enjoy traveling even more. I love visiting new places, learning, and meeting new people all over the world. Also, I realized that by the time I have children I want to raise them and be with them, rather than being a father that sees his children when they go to kindergarten in the morning and at night when they go to sleep.
I started working very hard on creating passive income streams in the internet marketing industry, and fell in love. I have found a place where I feel at home.
Although making money using the internet is not an easy task that requires a lot of hours and a lot of sleepless nights, it makes me understand the meaning of the expression: Do what you love, and you will never work a single day in your life.
I am constantly learning new things, my sites are getting hundreds of hits every day, and I know that this is just the beginning. But more than anything I enjoy teaching others what I’ve learned, and show them that they too can do exactly what I did to achieve their own success.
I Wish you all that you find what you really want to do in your life, and set out a path to achieve it. If you need help or reinforcement, do not hesitate to contact.
To your success
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