Son, When I leave,I don’t want you to be sad. I lived a full life, grew 11 kids, helped to develop my country . I have fulfilled my mission.

david maimon I believe I will never forget this story. Even now 8 months later, my eyes are full of tears when I remember this amazing man, the grandfather of a good friend of mine. April, 27, few days later …. The suffering  and pain have gone. Grandfather David’s soul is now free to meet Her Creator. I don’t know if there is such thing as a perfect funeral, but if so …this was the one. Hundreds of people came to pay the final honor to David Maimon. He left this world, leaving a loving wife, 11 sons, grandsons and amazing heritage of love. I was blessed to be accepted into his amazing family a few years ago. Yeap, it is causing me to reflect ! There is no doubt about it. Some day, each one of us will go on the same final way that Grandfather David did. Everybody dies, but the sad part is that not everybody live a full life. Life is too short, so stop wasting your time finding what is wrong. Even on a wheelchair, Grandfather David was always happy and blessing God for everything. The simple fact that you can read this , have a computer and Internet access means that you are in a better position than 99% of the world population. Have you thanked God that you woke up this morning? About 250,000 people didn’t make it today! The best thing we can do to honor David is to live a full life, like he did, so when the time comes, we also can leave knowing that we have completed our mission. I will do it. What about you? What about calling someone today and saying how much you care and love him? What about spreading this message to the world? Together, you and I can make a better world I made my decision! Will you join me? Together we can touch people’s life….like grandfather did. Be his memory Blessed R.I.P.   David Maimon lived in Sharsheret, in the south of Israel, worked in agriculture and have help to develop the north of Negev region.He passed away at April,27 of 2012, leaving both a family and an amazing heritage. PS: If you loved this post, you are welcome to copy the content into your blog/website.        
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